Cigar House - where passion meets sophistication in the world of premium tobacco. Established in 2024, our journey began with a simple yet profound goal – to provide enthusiasts with an unparalleled smoking experience.
Cigar House is not just a shop, it's a haven for connoisseurs seeking the finest cigars and a sanctuary for those who appreciate the art of slow-burning relaxation. Our curated selection showcases a diverse range of premium tobacco brands displayed in a 275-square-foot walk-in humidor. What sets us apart is not just the quality of our cigars, but the ambiance we've carefully crafted for our patrons. Enjoy our outdoor smoking area that offers a breath of fresh air as you enjoy your smoke under the open sky.
At Cigar House, we invite you to indulge in the timeless ritual of cigar appreciation and discover a haven where every puff is an experience worth savoring.
Meet the visionary behind Cigar House, Solomon Braaten - a 25-year-old entrepreneur and avid cigar enthusiast. From that first puff at the age of 18, Solomon was captivated by the world of cigars and the art of savoring the moment. Fueled by a genuine passion, he embarked on a journey to create a haven where fellow aficionados could indulge in the rich flavors and camaraderie that define the cigar culture. With a keen eye for quality and a commitment to sharing the joy of fine tobacco, our owner is dedicated to making Cigar House not just a shop, but a destination where the love for cigars is cultivated and celebrated.